Event Registration

Clogging Winter 2025


OI welcomes back Mr. JJ Murrin to teach clogging, a
vibrant and energetic form of Appalachian Dance, that
has captivated audiences for generations. Rooted in the
rich tapestry of Appalachian culture, clogging combines
percussive footwork with lively, rhythmic movements,
creating a mesmerizing display of artistry and
athleticism. Beginners welcome. No partner required ( Limit 12)

Ages: 11 & up

Meets: Thursdays, 5:30-6:15pm (Beginners); 6:15-7pm (Intermediate/Advanced)
Begins: Thurs., Jan.9
Duration: 8 weeks

Instructor(s): JJ Murrin

$85/$75 OI members
Event Registration is closed.
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