
Intermediate to Advanced Oil Painting Winter 2025


Expand on techniques from the Beginners Oil Painting class including Alla Prima painting (all at once) and traditional painting (wet on dry). We'll explore tone, value and color theory while going deeper into composition. Learn how to choose materials such as brushes, knives, colors, and the properties and selection of available oil paints. How to prepare different painting surfaces, including stretching a canvas, will also be covered. A material list will be e-mailed to you. (Limit 14)

Ages: 13 & up
Meets: Mondays, 6-8pm
Begins: Mon., Jan.6
Duration: 8 weeks
Instructor(s): Greg Siegwart

$100/$90 OI members (Materials not included; supply list will be provided.)
Waiver Statement:

Cancellation/Refund Policy: For participants to cancel and receive a full refund, they must call the facility and cancel at least 1 WEEK before the class begins. No refunds will be issued once a class begins.

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