
Experimental Painting Winter 2023


This beginner-advanced painting class pushes the boundaries of what is thought of as traditional painting and welcomes experimentation. This class combines observational/realistic painting with expressive color as well as experimentation through materials and subject matter. Contemporary art examples are presented. Students investigate materials and techniques with mixed media and acrylic paint while strengthening their painting skills and knowledge. Students will have fun and gain enthusiasm and confidence with the painting process. (Limit 12)

Ages: 14 & up
Meets: Wednesdays, 6:45-8:45pm
Begins: Wed., Jan.11
Duration: 8 weeks
Instructor(s): Katie Molinengo

$130/$120 OI members (Includes material fee. Additional fee possible for extra canvases if needed.)
Event Registration is closed.
Neon CRM by Neon One